Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wow. It's been a while since I posted on here so I thought I would cheat a little and post a few photos that show what has been going on these last few weeks. Here we go:
A while back there was a huge fire at a factory downtown. It was close to the office and this was the view out of the window.

It was touch and go if we would have to evacuate the office. A special plane flew in from Texas to test the air and the said it was safe so long as you were at least one mile away. I left the office early anyway not wanting to risk it.
We saw this guy at the airport a while back. I managed to 'pap' a photo of him. Cracking haircut!!

On a trip to the supermarket one day we came across this little beauty :-). Can you imagine getting run over by this!! You wouldn't stand a chance.

Kids toys over here in the USA seem to be a bit different to what I remember playing with as a kid. Check out these I spotted in the local WalMart. Mini motorised vehicles.

and finally...... the weather the last few days has been amazing. The temperature has gone up about 20 degrees and it's light until 8pm. We are starting to get the beautiful sunsets I remember from last year.

Note: All the pics were taken on my Nokia phone so I apologise for the poor quality.


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