Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Food Day

About three times a year someone in the office here in KC will send around an email suggesting their should be a food day. They always mention how its been so long since the last one and instruct everyone to bring in an item of food. This is not something that really happens much in the UK so I am always interested to see what people will bring in.
Today was just such a day and in true American style a mountain of food was brought into the office and everyone took part. There wasn't much in the way of healthy food and I was amazed no-one slipped into a diabetic coma. At lunchtime a delivery of bar-b-que meat was brought up to our area and everybody tucked in. The amount of food was truly amazing. For those that know where to look I have put a few pictures on flickr.


Blogger Hywel Mallett said...

Is the unhealthy food because it's a special event, or just because that's what people eat normally for snacks?

11:58 AM  
Blogger alongwayfromhome said...

It's a typical snack I guess. I have noticed that to eat healthly in the USA you have to spend much more money compared to eating crap. Junk food is really cheap so if you have a tight budget you don't stand a chance.

1:44 PM  

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