Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Nike + Update

I have been using the Nike+ system with my iPod Nano for a few weeks now. I was initially very impressed with the system. I found the logging of information motivated me to run further and more often. Now I have explored the package I am even more impressed.
When you fire up your iPod and connect the Nike+ receiver you then have a few exercise options. You can select a 'basic' workout which will simply monitor your progress; time (obvious); calories (set the no. of calories you want to burn) or you can use the distance option. This allows you to select a distance and once you start running you get automatic updates on your progress telling you when you have completed each mile, the time taken so far and your current pace. I have never run more than 4 miles or so but the other day I selected the pre programmed 10km run and was able to complete it.

I would have been happy with that in terms of motivation but I have now found a few more treats to help you pound out the miles. Once you log onto the website you can review your progress and also set 'goals'. Depending on the difficulty of the goal you set yourself you are awarded different medals. You might challenge yourself to run 25 miles in 4 weeks or burn 5000 in 3. Again it's a simple process but I found it quite affective. I have already collected a few medals and have now set myself even tougher goals.

So far so good. If that still isn't enough they have taken it to the next level. Rather than challenging yourself you have the ability to challenge any of the other 16 million+ runners out there. This week Nike opened up their forums allowing runners from all over the world to get together and race. Using the challenge system you could propose something like, "Who can run the furthest in November". You would then invite runners to take up the challenge and go for it. You can log in each day and see everyone’s progress in the form of a league table. If taking on the whole world doesn't motivate people then I don't know what would!! Here is the first challenge I signed up to. Should be interesting.

Hopefully this has help explain the Nike+ system to people that haven't come across it yet. If you are looking for a way to get motivated and do some exercise you could do a lot worse than this simple system. There is something satisfying about seeing your runs stack up.

That's enough from me today. I'm going to watch the baseball 'World Series' now. World series is a bit of a joke since it's basically all American teams. It's interesting to watch though since we don't get it in the UK very often. I'm supporting the St. Louis Cardinals since they are sort of local.


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