Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's been a quiet few days, not much happening in Kansas City so I thought I would write a quick note about the Nike+ system I have just bought. My original plan was to buy a pair of the new nike running shoes with the Nike+ system built in (80 - 160 dollars). For those that haven't heard, the Nike+ system hooks up to an iPod nano and tracks any run or walk that you do via a sensor in your trainer. It records time distance and pace. I went to three local sports shops and none of them had my size of shoe. At one point in an act of desperation I even asked the sales assistant if they had my size in one of the most shocking paris of trainers I have ever seen. Fortunately they did not or I might have made the mistake of buying them. I have been visiting sports stores for the last few weeks trying to buy these trainers and was about to leave empty handed when I decided to buy the Nike+ sensor and iPod adaptor (30 dollars). How hard could it be to fit it myself I wondered.
I got home, found a marker pen and stanley knife then spent the next half hour hacking out a hole in the bottom of my left trainer to accommodate the sensor. I finally managed to get it to fit and was pleasantly surprised to find that it worked. In true Apple style I switched on my iPod, connected the receiver and it detected my left foot right away. It instructed my to walk for a few steps and then said all was well and I could go for a run when ever I wanted!! Easy.
I have been using the system for a few days now and its quite addictive. When you are out running you can press the center button on your iPod and a friendly female voice will let you know how you are doing telling you the distance you have run so far and how long you have been running. Once you complete a run you dock your iPod with the computer and it downloads the stats from your run. It then uploads these to the Nike+ website where you are then able to track all your history. It makes it really simple to see how much running/walking you have been doing. I started off with a walk around the local running track and today I ran the same route. At the end of the run I was greeted by the voice of Paula Radcliff telling me I had just run my furthest distance so far and she was pleased for me!! That was a little treat that isn't mentioned in the instructions. Now I want to complete a few more runs to see who else is going to be impressed with my efforts. If the winner of the London Marathon thinks Im doing well things can't be bad. To complete the system Apple have hooked up with some professional coaches to produce a number of different albums you can download. For example there is an album filled with dance tracks and a voice over from a professional coach teaching you how to improve your endurance. He talks to you throughout the 40 minute routine telling you when to sprint, run up a hill, jog and then cool down. It's an excellent idea and great for people who don't like gym classes or who want to train outside whilst the weather is still nice.
As you can tell I am impressed with the Nike+ system and hopefully it will keep me interested in keeping fit.

Other News: The story of my encounter with the local police has spread around the office and a number of people have suggested I write in to the local news paper. They seem to think the whole of Kansas City would enjoy the story. I'm tempted to write to them just to see if they print it. Will let you know what I decide.


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