Friday, October 13, 2006

“You have to come downstairs, there are cows in the street.”

What else could I do? After receiving a phone call with instructions like that I left my desk and headed downstairs. My friend was right, there were indeed cows in the street along with cowboys and cowgirls!!
I wondered what people would think about this. Perhaps an American living in the mid-west would think, “So what. There are cows downtown walking between all the office buildings. What’s so special about that?”. But for my friends back home I have a feeling this would be interesting. I certainly found it interesting as it’s another ‘only in America’ moment.
It turns out there was a cattle drive. A bunch of cowboys and girls herded about 20 cows from outside my office towards the Marriott hotel. Great to watch, another surreal moment. The organisation was fantastic. All the car parks and side streets had been blocked off to avoid damage to property. The cowboys out numbered the cows and the cows chosen for the great honor of walking downtown were the most relaxed cows I have ever seen. I was hoping for a stampede but it didn’t look likely. They even had cleaning crews standing by ready to follow behind the procession cleaning up after the horses and cattle.
Unfortunately the only camera I had on me was my crappy camera phone. I knew I had to take some pictures as no-one would believe me.

It’s all part of America Royal. There’s even a website:

Before I go I thought I would include this link:

It a really cool video someone has made using time lapse.


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